Leading For the Greater Good in Education – Spur

Investing in early childhood development is known to be one of the most effective means of eradicating poverty, which is why the Spur Foundation focuses on projects that put the young child first.

The Spur Foundation supports early childhood development with a focus on training of principals and teachers at under-resourced day care centres. We’ve partnered with the Early Care Foundation, (that is previously known as ASHA Trust), to develop and facilitate early childhood development training programmes, for under-skilled practitioners and owners of home-based creches. Early Care Foundation (ECF) training equips beneficiaries with the necessary skills to provide a stimulating educational environment and meet the nutritional needs of the children in their care. ECF assists creches to develop their facilities to comply with standards prescribed by the Department of Social Development and Department of Education to help them register their ECD Centres and access social development subsidies.

We congratulate the new cohort of principals who completed the Money Management training programme for achieving outstanding results. The Graduation ceremony was held at Hussar Grill Morningside, where the Early Care Foundation team and the Spur Foundation Trustees were in attendance.
#LeadingForTheGreaterGood #ECD #SpurFoundation

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