Massmart Board & Executive Committee will Personally Contribute 230 Tons of Food to FoodForward SA

Heeding President Cyril Ramaphosa’s call for greater private sector support in the fight against Covid-19, the Massmart Board and Executive Committee will personally fund, through a waiver of a portion of their monthly remuneration, 230 tons of food for distribution to vulnerable communities. This personal contribution will be made to FoodForward South Africa via deliveries of 77 tons of food per month, for three months starting in April.

Walmart International will match the Massmart Board and Executive Committee contribution by donating a further 230 tons of food to FoodForward South Africa during the same time period. The overall combined contribution will therefore amount to the supply of 460 tons of food over three months. This contribution translates into the provision of approximately is 1.85 million meals.

Commenting on the announcement, Massmart Chairman, Kuseni Dlamini said: “As a company deeply rooted in South Africa, we have been filled with pride by the leadership displayed by our President and wanted, in our own small way, to model the example that he has set.”

Mitch Slape, the Massmart Chief Executive added: “In discussion with FoodForward South Africa we found that they have seen a significant increase in food insecurity arising from the Covid-19 disruption to economic activity, particularly amongst people employed in the informal sector. FoodForward is an impressive existing partner of ours and it was an easy decision to help out by making this contribution.”

In acknowledging the Massmart top leadership contribution, Andy Du Plessis the Managing Director of Food Forward South Africa, explained that: “Nutrition plays a vital role in maintaining a strong immune system. Without access to proper nutrition, the vulnerable in our society are at even greater risk, particularly with the imminent onset of winter. The next few months are going to be extremely difficult for food insecure communities and we hope that others will follow the lead of the Massmart Executive Committee and their Non-Executive Directors.”

In addition to supporting FoodForward South Africa with a previous 50 ton food donation, Massmart has supplied or funded; protective face visors to health workers, as well as hazmat suits and assorted merchandise to Covid-19 drive through and triage testing facilities operated by Gift of Givers.

FoodForward South Africa has tried-and-tested systems in place to ensure immediate distribution of food to those most in need including the aged, orphaned, disabled and homeless. They can be contacted on 021 531 5670 or at

For Media Enquiries
Refilwe Boikanyo
Massmart Communication Manager
011 517 6041/

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