Wirecard AG, a German digital payments company, filed for insolvency in Germany on 25 June 2020. Press reports have alleged that, a few years ago, Wirecard AG could have been linked to a probable case of round-tripping involving a Mauritius-registered entity.
The Bank of Mauritius (Bank) and the Financial Services Commission (FSC) are jointly investigating in the alleged round-tripping connected to Wirecard AG. The enquiry will equally focus on possible cross-border transactions that could be related to the case.
The enquiry is being conducted with the support of other local law-enforcement authorities. The Bank and the FSC are determined to bring to light any possible breach of regulatory requirements, including Anti-Money Laundering/Combating the Financing of Terrorism regulations. The Bank and the FSC stand ready to take any action deemed appropriate should compliance deficiencies or offences be established.